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Building Information Modeling: The future is already here

Thursday, March 27, 2025 — 6 p.m.
at Trium Novem, Max-Planck-Str. 1
77656 Offenburg

The joint event of Trium Novem and Netzwerk Südbaden will focus on the future of integral construction with the Building Information Modeling system and new digital possibilities.
The keynote speakers Sarah Kristin Merz (Head of Academy DeuBIM GmbH), Dr. Bernd Essig (Managing Partner at Scholze-Thost GmbH) and Nicolas Früh (Founder and Managing Director of ffb GmbH / bim STANDARD) will complement this networking evening with interesting expert knowledge on the subject of BIM.
You can register for the event by sending an email to

Video Networking Event April 2024


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Networking event in cooperation with netzwerk südbaden


networking event

Trium Novem Headquarter

On the 12th of April 2024, our first networking event – Trium Novem Connects – took place with positive and enthusiastic feedback throughout. Our guests from the construction industry, politics, and local authorities could fully concentrate on the exchange with colleagues and partners in a relaxed atmosphere with excellent food and drinks.
We believe that success and quality arise when the right people come together. We are driven by problems and wishes, and to solve or fulfill these, we believe in a trustworthy network of partners.
Out of conviction, we follow our goal – to organize networking events for the construction industry in Ortenau; as great things can only flourish if all specialist fields work together on an eye level.

You can already look forward to our next networking event this autumn.

Herzlichen Dank an Trium Novem, für diese überaus gelungene Veranstaltung. Es war eine großartige Gelegenheit sich auszutauschen und Kontakte zu knüpfen. Für die professionelle Durchführung und Ihr Engagement geht ein großer Dank an Ihr Team, die maßgeblich zum Erfolg des Events beigetragen haben. Ich freue mich bereits auf zukünftige Veranstaltungen in Ihrem Haus.
— Claudia Ritter
Christian Funk Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Ein sehr gut organisiertes und sehr herzliches Event, bei dem ich deutlich spüren konnte, was Trium Novem, die Mitarbeiter und die Kooperationspartner auszeichnet: Kompetenz, Engagement und Kreativität.
— Uwe Erhardt
Städtische Wohnbaugesellschaft Emmendingen mbH
Ich war begeistert von Ihrem großartigen Firmenevent - perfekt für Networking.
— Ralf Bantle
Vorstand, Raiffeisenbank Aichhalden-Hardt-Sulgen eG
